Is it Just Me? begins at 4:00 at the Dryden theater. Actor (and dream boy) Adam Huss is our guest for the program and Q&A following the screening.
Find out why this is one of the hottest and funniest romantic comedies in this year's LGBT film festival circuit.
55 comments: I'm the first to admit what draws me to ImageOut are NOT the gay romantic comedies (which I've typically thought of as the "marshmallow fluff" of the festival). We almost always buy tickets to them, mind you, but not because they're a highlight for us---more because we know they sell well and the experience of a theater full of our community is such a great experience (and I think we secretly always hope we'll be pleasantly surprised). I am really thrilled that this year ImageOut gave gave us TWO such surprises. Last night I was utterly entertained by "You Should Meet My Son"....and tonight the bar got set even higher by "Is It Just Me?"----which was one of the most endearing "mainstream-type" gay romantic comedies I've seen at ImageOut in years---and I think it could easily have opened or closed the festival!!
I echo Erik's comments about these two movies. Both were wonderful, endearing, very well produced, and could have easily been opening/closing films.
Loved this film. It will definitely be on my "buy the DVD" list!
On another note, and this goes out to everyone in the audience: PERSONAL HYGIENE AND GOOD BEHAVIOR ARE EXPECTED WHILE YOU ARE IN THE THEATRE! There are no exceptions to this!
If Fido and Fluffy have been sleeping on your clothes or if you haven't bathed in a week, please clean and deodorize yourself before stepping out of your home.
If Paul, Michael,Deanna or anyone from ImageOut is standing in front of the audience, this is your clue to sit down and SHUT UP immediately. You can chat with friends and lovers when the movie is over.
Honestly - I did not love this movie, even though I really wanted to.
I agree with Erik when he says that "You Should Meet My Son" was a great comedy, which it was; I will be owning that movie.
However, "Is It Just Me?" was not at the same level. To me, it seemed like a bad version of "Trick" and last year's "Eating Out 3," both of which I love. The bitter doesn't-anyone-like-romance-anymore character is way over done, and the mistaken identity because of the internet, gay online site profiles, is again over done. It got so awkward that I actually wanted to hit Blaine. No really, I wanted to go into the screen and hit him with a frying pan.
The only character that was enjoyable was Xander's roommate. He had the best one liners and seemed to be the only one with any sense.
Again, I wanted to like this movie, and sure there were funny parts of it, but overall it seemed like one of those cliché gay romantic-comedies that we all dread. However, "Bear City" and "You Should Meet My Son" were excellent, and I highly recommend those.
I have to agree with the commenter above. I found this one to be about as realistic as an episode of The Brady Bunch. The cliches were tired, the plot elements were transparent and over used... I almost cheered when he got told off and dumped.
Personally, I think this re-hash tells no new story, and the ending (while "feel good") just wasn't realistic.
I did love the WAG (Wise Aged Gay) in the film, and the many references that Xander didn't understand... But I feel the whole movie was really a cute below fluff. Really a disappointment in the end, since it had the potential to make a clear message, when all it really did was support the idea that things are always ok, no matter how poorly you choose to do things.
I liked this one. I need to look up the actors' names. Especially "Zander" and the guy who was behind me in line at the closing night party! He was really nice.
Sorry I can't think of much to say other than I enjoyed it. (Which I know is kind of lame, but...)
HMMM. I'm stumped. I'm really surprised to see such varied opinions of this movie posted here especially when movies like "Oy Vey My Son Is Gay" and "Violet Tendencies" were so popular with festival viewers and both of those films were garbage. Talk about unrealistic and cliche. Were people even awake during "Oy Vey"? That movie was one dreadful (& offensive) cliche after another! And I think a movie about a gay unicorn falling in love with a gay mermaid would probably have been more realistic!
I really would have expected "Is It Just Me?" would have been just as popular as those films. Sure it wasn't the most original or thought provoking film of the century but it was at least cute and romantic. And yeah the ending might not be realistic (but I think we know that sometimes at ImageOut we LIKE the non-realistic endings for that exact reason---because the offer us a chance to experience the happy endings that don't always/often happen in real life)....but neither was the ending of "Violet Tendencies" or "Oy Vey My Son Is Gay" so it seems a pretty harsh critique from the same audiences that fell for those films.
@Anon: I think the reason the other movies you mention were more "popular" is because most of the film was believable. Sure, Violet Tendencies had a unicorn... but the only unbelievable plot twist was near the end, to wrap up the story. Is It Just Me had twist after twist. From the coffee meeting, to the bar, to the movie, to the editorial, to end scene. It had a compounding effect, where the other films did not.
I also think it was just less believable, since from the start I was asking myself, why is he continuing this lie? There was no reason to. Just my opinion, but this one was far less believable. And I think that's why you're seeing it getting lower marks...
@Woody - Hmmm. Believable is the last thing I'd call "Oy Vey!" and "Violet Tendencies." And the cliches in those two movies were far worst than those of "Is It Just Me?" Plus the acting in those two other movies (except for Mindy Cohn's) was just horrid! At least the boys of "IIJM?" did a better job. Why can't people just be happy with a sweet little romance? I think others are bitter because they know they don't get it that easy like Blaine. I still think this is the best among the romantic comedies this year.
From the ballots:
Good movie -- there was a nice message.
From the ballots:
Good. But less cheesy music during phone conversations!
From the ballots:
While somewhat cliched, I really enjoyed it.
From the ballots:
Good. Uneven but with enjoyable parts.
From the ballots:
Not a masterpiece but a good film that deserves to be screened at a lot of festivals.
From the ballots:
Good. Tones of Shop Around the Corner ...
From the ballots:
Such a well-acted movie! So rare sometimes with GLBT films.
From the ballots:
From the ballots:
Light-hearted and fun! Cute. So needed!
From the ballots:
Good. A film that contrives to make its audience sympathize with idiots throughout. Sweet, but irritating.
From the ballots:
Good. Had some really sweet and tender moments in between the poor transitions.
From the ballots:
Cliche-ridden crap! Ugh!
From the ballots:
Slow moving and boring at times. So sorry Ernie wasted a performance in this movie.
From the ballots:
Situations seemed very forced like a sitcom. Liked the acting, just not much for the plot.
From the ballots:
A bit long.
From the ballots:
Too cliched for my liking. Ernie had the best lines.
From the ballots:
Frustrating as hell. But at least it was witty.
From the ballots:
Thankfully, there were hot guys and a funny sidekick.
From the ballots:
Nice story. Ernie was great. Excellent technically -- lights/costumes/sound.
From the ballots:
Excellent! Great movie. I liked the balance of romance and comedy.
From the ballots:
Excellent. Bring ADAM back!
From the ballots:
Story was well-conceived. Good plot. Funny with a touch of heart.
From the ballots:
Good story, good acting, and HOT MEN!
From the ballots:
Maybe it gave me some answers. Great movie!
From the ballots:
Excellent! Heartwarming. Better than the usual gay movie fare.
From the ballots:
Excellent. A predictable but entertaining and, on another level, it has a message about gay male fixations on physiques and not looking deeper into the person. But the female friend of Blaine's seemed stereotyped as the fag hag giving good advice that we have seen in other gay movies. I felt like she should have been writing the column, not Blaine.
From the ballots:
LOVED IT! Well done!
From the ballots:
This was great! Great having Adam here!
From the ballots:
Excellent! There should be more gay-themed films like this one!
From the ballots:
Great movie! Loved the film. Funny and topical.
From the ballots:
Excellent. I loved Ernie!
From the ballots:
More than Excellent!
From the ballots:
It was adorable. I approve.
From the ballots:
Excellent. What a surprise that a romantic comedy gives everyone hope to be who they are and get over the vapid club scene. Music - film - (sorry, something unreadable in the ballot) all fit wonderfully!
From the ballots:
Very sweet falling in love story. Great message about being honest from the start. Don't throw away the possibility of love. Fix small problems before they grow beyond resolution.
From the ballots:
Excellent! Touching and very funny too!
From the ballots:
Very enjoyable!
From the ballots:
I thought CHILDREN OF GOD would be it for me and was happy with that. but IS IT JUST ME? blew me away. This has been a "GREAT" Festival for me!!! GREAT, GREAT Festival!!! Thank you.
From the ballots:
Excellent. It hits close to home, except the end.
From the ballots:
Excellent. Tortured but worthy!
From the ballots:
Excellent. Schmaltz but good!
From the ballots:
Wonderfully romantic! LOVED IT!
From the ballots:
Hilarious and heartwarming. Fantastic film!
From the ballots:
I feel like I can relate. Love the movie. Been wanting to see this film since July at Outfest.
From the ballots:
Excellent. I thought the film was great!
From the ballots:
A great cross section of actors and a good story. Hope there will be more like this!
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