We were so ready to highlight this film in our recent ImageOut lineup but the distributors changed their plans for the Rochester market. So I hope everyone can support this film when it opens at the Little tonight (Friday, Oct. 21). Here's what our Adam Lubitow wrote for the program book. (I'm glad we are finally able to publish it!)

"Extended eye contact across a crowded dance floor, a few too many refills at the bar, and a game of follow the leader into the men’s room; all familiar, telltale signs that a one-night stand is imminent. Russell has no reason to expect anything more when he wakes Saturday morning with Glen in his bed and only a hazy recollection of the previous night’s events. Ever the gracious host, he brings his new friend a cup of coffee, and soon the pair is lounging amongst the bed covers, chatting and slowly piecing together their encounter.

They appear to be complete opposites; Russell an introverted romantic, still timid about his sexuality and still closeted in some areas of his life, while Glen is vehemently against getting into a relationship and determined to let the entire world know that he sleeps with other men. Despite their differences, they each find the other appealing enough to make plans to see each other again. They get together again, and the two become fast friends. But just when it appears that they may be on the cusp of something more, Glen reveals that he’s moving to the U.S. when the weekend is out. Armed with the knowledge that their time together is limited, they do their best to make every moment count. They drink, drug, and talk their way through the weekend, making their way from pub to bedroom and back again, and in so doing, form a bond that will come to mean more to each other than either could ever have anticipated.

Like a decidedly more queer take on Before Sunrise, Weekend is an unflinchingly honest and emotional love story, raising thought-provoking questions about identity, sexuality, love, and the importance of living a life that’s open and authentic."
WARNING: This film contains some nudity, sexual situations, and heavy drug use.
Saw it and it's good but it needs subtitles!
Yes, it's English they're speaking but the accent is so strong I couldn't understand what they were saying!
So this was the one that had to get cut from ImageOut? Well, I'm glad people are getting a chance to see it.
I saw it Friday night at 9:30 and there were only about 6 people in the theater! For Little 1, yeah! Seriously, even 11AM on Saturday screenings at ImageOut have a higher attendance than that! I must say though, that Weekend does have more than one screening. So perhaps the total will (hopefully) equal several hundred after a week. But if every screening has less than 10 people this film will probably be gone by next Friday, so I'm glad I went to see it when I did!
@Stefan - Of course, I only wish the film the success that it deserves. But if for some reason the Rochester screenings only do mediocre business, it will send the (correct) message to its distributor that perhaps the proper venue for this film in our market would have been the Festival after all.
OMG this movie was fantastic. The mumbling seemed annoyingly 'natural' in the first scene, but I warmed to the filmmakers style. Great great story, there was much I could relate to. A lot though that I feel belongs to that special time in your 20s when you're figuring out who you are in the world. Would have been great at ImageOut. Too 'Out There' for Opening Night?
@Paul - Really good movie but not Opening Night material. Centerpiece, maybe. I love the scene by the rail tracks. Reminds me of that final scene in LOST IN TRANSLATION.
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